Fleet Wage

Simplify Your Wages

Wage Calculator for Fedex Contractors

ISP can now prioritize business, leaving spreadsheet salary calculations behind. Trust Fleet Wage Software for instant, accurate computations.

About Us

With us, you can save time and resources that can be invested in growing your business. Our software ensures precision and reliability in managing your company’s wage calculation allowing you to focus on important strategic tasks. Join our platform today and gain peace of mind in managing your business finances

Easy Integrations with payroll company of your choice

Track weekly revenue, stops and profit margins with Weekly Summary

  • Unlimited Employees 
  • Monitor Weekly Income
  • Pay Per Stop & Per Package
  • Up to 3 Stop Threshold Per Employee
  • 6th Day Bonus Pay
  • Analyze Profit Margins
  • Streamline Financial Management Weekly
  • Export CSV to PayChex, ADP, Gusto
  • Fuel Calculation Per Employee Per CSA


Being a FedEx ISP is challenging, especially with a large team. Unsure how to identify your most profitable employee? Our software offers detailed insights into your business, ensuring that post-peak season, you’ll know who truly deserves the largest bonus.

  • Stop Per Day
  • Packages Per Day
  • Total Weekly Stops
  • Gross Profit Per Driver

Wage Calculator for Fedex Contractors

Call 484-370-2835 to learn more information on how we can help!